Vivamus suscipit pellentesque orci, id faucibus nisi posuere mollis. Maecenas sit amet erat et magna tincidunt consequat sit amet ac diam. Integer et eros felis. Etiam ut adipiscing tellus. Cras nibh metus, auctor at gravida ut, congue vel augue.
My cookingclub! Twice a year we go about it. A full day in a professional kitchen creating complex dishes and enjoying the preparation as if a high quality restaurant.
It's a joy! More so to create it, but likewise to endeavour it.
Ancien Hôtel Baudy is the cafe-bar where the famous painter Claude Monet has passed a big part of his free time, drinking and eating with friends.
Basically this was his hometown pub. To be found there daily. Rumours go he, but more frequently others would pay the drinking bill by offering one of their paintings in return. The most beautiful of it all, it is still the uncomplicated village pub it has been for ages. With delicious plats charcuterie, andother delicious brasserie type dishes. Nothing fancy, but when sitting under the tree, on a hot summer's day, overlooking the valley like Monet must have done, this is it! Living like a god in France as they say!
81 rue Claude Monet - Musée Hôtel Baudy
27620 Giverny
Oh, memories are build here! Original French Pièce de Boeuf, just plain, grilled, with just a pinch of salt
The good thing about French supermarkets, yes those big ones, is that they stock a lot of high end market, high quality products. This goes for fresh veggies, but similar for wine and meat. In all, the French supermarkets are well catered for the "Gourmand" (the lover of all good food).